Saturday, October 11, 2008

Controversy brewing.

The blog is barely 5 minutes old, and already, controversy is brewing. Rion sets it up, then walks into the kitchen to make juice. I sit down with my coffee and start editing the description he's written. "This is supposed to be fun," he informs me from the doorway. "Not a bunch of flowery poetry about two souls crossing and ripples eddying out across the cosmic waters and love blossoming on the mountaintops." I say something about planning a wedding in the post-postmodern era. "Oh no," he hollers over the juicer, "its a post-HUMAN era. You po-mos have got to let it GO!"
He walks back into the livingroom and sees me at the computer.
"Oh no, Assata," he says to the dog. "She's beginning to blog. 'And then the landscape of West Seattle, so amazing, the birds, and postmodernism, and experience and context."

8 months to go!


Sharkfin said...

I can't wait to see where this goes... Hurry up and finish your freaking book so you can write more!

Andrea said...

"Oh no," Mary Kate says to Jason. "Not only are they already collecting addresses, but they have a blog. A wedding blog. We need a blog too. We must out-blog them.' And then something about eloping, Jason complaining bitterly about the internet, and the blogs, and how crocs can't and don't blog."

Heather said...

Well,I guess you can't keep the words in....I love it. Nothing witty to comment, just happy you are so happy. Plus, now I can at least see pictures of you once in a while!